Oct 15th, 2012, 4:43pm
Name: Joy Henderson
Birth Date: December 11, 1976
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125-127lbs on-season 135-145lbs off-season
From: Winchester, Virginia USA
- all NPC contests -
2012 Masters National - 5th Place in Physique 35+ B
2012 Team Universe - 7th Place in Physique B
2010 Team Universe - 1st Place in Middleweight
2010 Philadelphia - 2d Place in Middleweight
2009 Junior Nationals - 4th Place in Middleweight
2008 Junior USA - 1st Place in Middleweight
2008 Pittsburgh - Overall Bodybuilding Champion & 1st Place in Lightweight
2007 Team Universe - 7th Place in Middleweight
2006 Team Universe - 6th Place in Middleweight
2006 BodyRock - 4th Place in Lightweight
2005 Team Universe - 4th Place in Middleweight
2005 BodyRock - 5th Place in Middleweight
2003 Jan Tana Amateur Classic - 2d Place in Middleweight
2003 BodyRock - 5th Place in Middleweight
2002 BodyRock - 2d Place in Middleweight
2002 Pittsburgh - 2d Place in Middleweight
2002 Virginia/DC Drug-Free - Overall Bodybuilding Champion & 1st Place in Middleweight
2001 Shenandoah Valley Open - Overall Bodybuilding Champion & 1st Place in Lightweight & 1st Place in Mixed Pairs*
*with Vic Henderson
2001 Pittsburgh - 3d Place in Lightweight
2000 Pittsburgh - 2d Place in Lightweight
1999 Jan Tana Amateur Classic - 3d Place in Lightweight
2004 USAPL Mid-Atlantic Open - 2d Place in Open: 745lb Total
2004 Weight Lifting Unlimited* 14th Annual Bench Press - 2d Place in Open: 155lbs
How long have you been training?
I have been training seriously for Bodybuilding competitions since 1998. As a teenager, I always had a desire to exercise, enjoying such outdoor activities as biking, hiking, and cardio. In 1995 I took a weight training class as one of my electives in college. After being exposed to that program, I made weight training part of my lifestyle and quickly began searching for information and ways to improve. In 1999 I competed in my first Bodybuilding contest, the NPC Jan Tana Amateur Classic. After seeing how I was able to transform my body with diet and exercise, I was hooked on the challenge of continuing that transformation to ever higher levels.
What would you like to see done to help improve or promote the sport?
I would like to see more local gyms get involved with contest promotion: showcasing competitors within their gyms as well as educating gym members on competition opportunities and the benefits that competing can bring to one's life. Those benefits include building self-confidence, raising overall energy levels, increasing feelings of well-being, and providing a sense of achievement.
What would you like to share about your last contest?
I felt honored and proud to be a part of the 2012 NPC Masters Nationals. To me, this a prestigious event. All the competitors are worthy of admiration. Most of us are veterans who have competed consistently for years out of true passion and love for the sport. Promoter Gary Udit and his team worked extremely hard, going above and beyond to make the contest experience as comfortable and pleasurable as possible for the competitors. All which helped make this extremely well run contest a truly awesome experience. I also appreciated the way the contest was divided among the two days: with women's events on Friday and the men's events on Saturday. This made for a much more enjoyable event: the evening rounds did not run so late, and the women were able to enjoy watching the men compete and vice versa.
Do you get negative comments from people with regard to your muscles?
Those I encounter are mostly complimentary of my physique and the fact that, although I carry a considerable amount of muscle compared to the average woman, I still display a very feminine appearance. I think many people share a similar misconception about female bodybuilders. Having a muscular physique does not mean compromising your feminine beauty. Muscle instead helps enhance feminine beauty, power, and grace.
Have you ever surprised yourself with your own strength? Like you forgot you were THAT strong???
I have never considered myself to be that physically strong or gifted in comparison to some strength and fitness athletes. However, I believe my mental and physical discipline, dedication, persistence, positive attitude, and will to win are surprisingly strong. They are my greatest strengths. These characteristics have been key elements in reaching my goals in Bodybuilding and more importantly in life.
How have you used your physical strength outside the gym, when it has come in handy?
In everyday life I am thankful that my health, strength, and conditioning enables me to accomplish simple tasks with ease. I notice little things such as snatching up a large bag of dog food in the grocery store, throwing it over my shoulder, and moving quickly to the check-out aisle without using a grocery cart. I can rapidly traverse stairs carrying heavy or cumbersome items with ease, where others may struggle. I enjoy sprinting across a lengthy parking lot when parked far away from the store. We often take such things for granted until we see someone who is disabled, ill, elderly, or just in poor health. Then we realize how blessed we are and how thankful we should be to have our health and strength.
Any message for fans?
Living the health and fitness lifestyle as well as competing for so long, I have lots of message for fans. First off, I would like to stress the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. The more positive energy you put out, the more positive energy you will generate and the more you will receive back in return. You become what you focus on. When you focus on positive things, you move in a positive direction. In the same manner, beware of negative energy and negativity in your life. Those can quickly pull you down.
Train with the attitude of gratitude. Remember the reason you are training is to add enjoyment to your life. Be thankful that you have a passion for health and fitness as well as the motivation to live a healthy lifestyle. Take the time to enjoy Bodybuilding and your fitness journey every step of the way. Don't get so rushed to move on to the next leg of your journey that you forget to take time to reflect upon and recognize the progress you are making every day. Reward yourself for each day's progress — bask in the moment.
Never underestimate the power of goal setting. Set both long- and short-term goals, and develop the steps to attain them. Regularly define your goals, refining them as you progress. In the same manner, define yourself as you work towards creating a new and improved version of you!
I also take to heart this quote from IFBB Pro Linda Murray, which hangs over my kitchen sink: "The best bodybuilder is the one who lives the fullest life. Bodybuilding should never become your life. It's only one constructive element of your life." I think that is a great reminder. It is easy to become consumed by your passion and neglect other important things in your life. My favorite piece of advice and my motto is from Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might."
What is the best way to contact you?
Message me on my Facebook or on my BodySpace page (links below).
Where can you be found on the web? - my blog
Check out my video clips:
What else you would like to share?
I have a full-time career as a civil engineer, having earned my bachelor's degree in civil engineering technology at Old Dominion University. I am very numbers-oriented and a careful and conscientious planner by nature. One thing that drew me to the health and fitness lifestyle was when I discovered how much more there was to weight training than just lifting weights. It involves the power of your mind as much, if not more, than your body. Weight training is a very thought-out process. Much like engineering, it includes calculations such as macronutrient ratios and calories for proper meal planning. Both engineering and developing your ultimate physique are very challenging processes — and I love a challenge! I have always admired competitive bodybuilders who pursue full-time careers in challenging fields while still finding the time, energy, and motivation to compete. I think they are great role models and proof that you can do anything you set your mind to when you are motivated to do it!
I am also a Mary Kay consultant. Like sculpting your body, beauty consultation is an art. I love the opportunity to help women look and feel good about themselves. The positive environment of Mary Kay professionals also helps build self-confidence in women and positively impact their lives:
I am a dedicated Christian. I thank God for all my gifts in life, including my health and my passion for a healthy and fit lifestyle. In your health and fitness pursuits, I think it is very important to remember to keep everything in proper perspective and not to lose sight of God in your life.
I am currently developing my health, beauty, and fitness business and cultivating my passion. I believe development of my business is the next step in my journey. My business goal is to improve the quality of the lives of others by teaching them how health, beauty, and fitness can add to their overall physical and mental well-being and empower them to be the best they can be. To keep up with the development of my business, visit my Facebook page:
I would like to thank my trainer, IFBB Pro Lisa Auckland for her awesome training and nutrition advice, for adding to my overall enjoyment of the sport, for being a part of my support team, and for being an outstanding role model. Thanks also to bodybuilder and six-time national champion Skip LaCour for his outstanding E-books, various seminar series, and for his one-on-one coaching services that are shaping my fitness business and helping me take myself to a higher level both as a person and as a competitor.
In October of 1999 I was married. That same year, my husband Vic and I both competed in what was my first contest, the 1999 NPC Jan Tana Amateur Classic. We had the opportunity to compete together as a couple in 2001 at the NPC Shenandoah Valley Open where we won the Mixed Pairs division. Vic has since stopped competing. He is an avid hunter, traveling recently to New Zealand, for elk hunting; to Alaska, for bear hunting; and to Canada, for moose. I appreciate Vic's passion for hunting, admire his outdoorsman skills, and really appreciate all the wild game he supplies me with year round, which is a staple of my diet. He has his own successful business as a farrier and is very hard working. We have two beautiful boxers, Colt and Candy. Boxers have always been part of our family and are children to us.
My mother passed away a few years ago from Parkinson's disease. Her strong Christian faith and positive spirit throughout her entire illness made a tremendous impact on my life and the lives of others. My father is legally blind from a condition called macular degeneration and was forced to retire early. Despite his disability, he took care of my mother through her illness which included paralysis. Through his inner strength, will to win, and the never-quit attitude he displays, especially in difficult times, he has been an outstanding role model in my life.
Thanks was well to these talented photographers for the courtesy of using their pictures:
Blue 2-piece biceps & side chest - JM Manion of for
Tourquise 2-piece back abs - Isaac Hinds of
Tourquise 2-piece back - Isaac Hinds of for
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